Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hakuna matata! a day in the life of you-know-whooo.

last night i dreamed of pho. it was a wonderful dream. pho is everything i could ever want in a meal. it's pretty much my favorite food. no big deal. so i called my girls and went to get pho.

it's saaadie! my lovely lovely god-daughter. yes, i am a god mother. i am also a registered minister with the universal life church. i can perform weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar/bat mitzvahs, but sorry, no circumcisms. i am NOT a registered moyl.

liz getting passionate about all the injustices in the world.

family....... sigh.

after we made mexican fusion-themed din-din, we went to northbowl specifically to play buck hunter. heidi was really adament about giving me pointers cause she's reeeaaaaally good.

guess who won. ahem. i shot more ducks in the end=i got more points in the end=i am the victor. i'm not normally one to rub it in though... look at me! i'm a regular old sarah palin!! except we weren't shooting moose to make moose-getti. and i'm not a scary asshole .

now i'm at heidi's and blogging on frosty's com-pooter...

watching the golden girls. it's like a really good one too. dorothy and sophia were competing in a mother/daughter competition. here they are as sunny bono & cher. anyone? anyone?? halloween costume idea with yours truly??? we won't just be sonny & cher... we'll be dorothy and sophia AS sonny & cher. you're welcome.

and who woulda guessed it! they won!! omfg! forreeeeaaaaalz. we also decided that heidi is so totes betty white and i'm forrealz dorothy. and how good is the theme song!

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.

And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.

getting sleepy next to my god-dog. (whoa. that was so cool. palandrome, dude.) miss freida is still kickin it in styyyyyle yo. and she looks so regal and rawesome with the camera-phone flash glistening in her cone-eye. i ruv you rfeeedee!!!

ali out!


Claire Wadsworth said...

buck-hunter? why not just put the gun up to the screen and WIN!

alison wadsworth said...

Yeah, that was heid's "big important tip." I declined the advice and went based on pure skill.

Jessica said...

umm...i tots think you should become a registered moyl. how amazing would it be?!

Jessica said...

oh and p.s. amos showed me an awesome pho place in silverlake that we will go to when you move out here.

alison wadsworth said...

you just said the magic words! pho AND los angeles! and i think you miiiiiight have to be a jew to be a moyl. not sure, but i'm pretty sure baby's parents wouldn't want a goy touching their putzes.

Lovely Lily said...

when we lived in sydney, the local jewish community center staged a play called "8 moyel". i wish i had seen it!