Saturday, September 27, 2008

we sure showed that bitch.

so yesterday as i was juggling my bike and these delicious tasty treats for rachel davey's birthday partay, i got a frantic phone call from lily cope, "OMG. sarah palin's in town! let's go throw shit at her!" so i dropped everything--literally. the beautifully delicious cupcakes that i can't eat, became a congealed mass of pastel colored frosting--grabbed janet, and sped away to the irish pub (which is now numero uno on ali's boycott 2008 list). there, we found a screaming angry mob of philadelphia's finest: the democratoc par-tay-heyyyy!!!!

bitch was in our city for a fundraiser with all 4 of the philadelphian bow-tie/pearls wearing republicans. this is what the scene was like on the inside. she would like to thank you.

outside, it was mayhem. it was pandemonium. and it was angry. what the hell are you doing invading my city? screw you chumpstain! get out! most people shouted "OBAMA! OBAMA!" and "SARAH GO HOME! SARAH GO HOME!!" i shouted "DOUCHEBAG!" over a hundred times and "BOOOOED" like a goddamn champ. imagine me as THIS:

so here's what it was like OUTSIDE the irish shithole.

bow down to her if you want! bow to her! bow to queen of slime! the queen of filth! the queen of putrescence! booo! boooooooo! rubbish! filth! slime! muck! booooooooooooooooooooo!!!

1 comment:

liz said...

boooo on the queen of putrescence!