Sunday, September 28, 2008

zombie, what?

yeah. we went to the zombie prom. it was sweet.

so i came back from my first band meeting/practice with cope david, who is hands down, my favoritest singer in the whole wide world. i am super-uber excited about our upcoming mega band/project--but more about that later...

so... where was i? right. came home and called my homegirl steph-dog and she was all like what should we do tonight? and i was all like i don't know. and then she was all like let's go see some live music! and i was all like that was totes what i wanted to do! so i mass texted mad peeps to see if there was any good shows a-happenin. then got mad responses but the one thing that caught mon oeille was a little something called zombie prom. and steph was sooooo down.

so we waited for claire (after getting in our bestest prom attire: me in 80's tube dress, steph as my butchy-man-date) who spent her day working as a server for the one! the only! elizabeth solms and super totes rad company sweet pea nourishment at a waaay swankalicious cocktail party in nut hill. we got the maj hook-up on the leftovers--for reeeeaaaals. excellent drunken munchies: the best goat cheese ever, local butter, chevre + mint spread, white bean + rosemary spread, beeeyoutiful bread (that i can't eat, obvi), steak!, and sooooo much more. thanks sliz!

so off we were! me and my two bull-dike-a-licios dates. it was like waaaaay fun. for those of you who didn't attend this year, make sure you get all bloodied and zombified up for next year's zombie prom which is put on by the philly zombie crawl to bring in the holloween season with a big bang! this year mr. halloween rang a big gong to commence the start of my favoritest season! we met zombie jesus and wierd zombie pirate dude and zombie flying monkey (who sneak monkey farted on claire. so messed up) and danced like there was no tomorrow to THRILLER!!!! you knooow i held that shit down on the dance floor!!!!

ah. it was sweet. and just so you know when you see me in the next few day i am seriously stained with fake blood. i can't get this shit off. i look like a mass murderer. any advice on removing blood stains from human flesh??


liz said...

top three reasons (today) i heart the wadsworth sisters:
1. claire has enough strength to go out after working like a champ. and to a vampire slayer party no less.
2.they both look hot even with fake blood all over their damn selves.
3.always giving little ol' me lotso props. (sorry for the bread giveaway als!)

stephwhit23 said...

local butter?! i think what you meant to say was smoked gouda.

ahhh. good times. hating work. so tired. want more goat cheese.

liz if you read this, it was Ah-maaa-zing!

Flintskins said...

Frighteningly awesome.