Wednesday, September 17, 2008

jon mosca is a genius.

one day, i was talking with jon mosca about someone's bachelor party. (can't remember who, but it is totes irrelevant to the story/revelation anyway, so whatev) fun little nuggets were exchanged--stippers, booze, etc... all of a sudden, jon goes, "wait! i'm a bachelor! why can't i have a bachelor party??!" which got me thinking: I'M A BACHERLORETTE!

so i decided to make my own registry. feel free to buy me things. and throw me a totally radical bachelorette party. i will be adding to my registry whenever i see something totally rad, so, check it frequently.


liz said...


J Mos said...

Totally forgot about that bachelor party plan and now you beat me to the punch. Oh well. At least you are giving me cred for the idea. Can I be the entertainment?